Saturday, August 27, 2022

Mission, Targets, and Processes Are Senior Leadership Issues – Everything Else Follows From There

By Myril Shaw, Chief Operating Officer, Dealer Profit Services
The Mission Statements, the Targets needed to execute that Mission, and the Processes that will be enforced to meet those Targets are defined by Senior Dealership Leadership. 
The techniques, conversations, and behaviors needed to successfully execute the Processes can be trained and to some extent discussed with the team to find what look to be the most likely to succeed in those areas.
To be clear, Mission, Targets, and Processes can be modified as learnings occur.  Similarly, the techniques, conversations, and behaviors needed to successfully complete the Processes and to achieve the Targets can and should be adjusted as it becomes apparent what is not working, what is working, and what can be done better.
They key here is that Mission, Targets, and Processes MUST be defined by Senior Dealership Leadership – reaching out quietly for some Process advice may be okay on a very limited level, however, the leadership should educate themselves through 20 Groups, Dealer Organizations, and other training opportunities so that they feel comfortable defining them.  They should also feel confident enough to observe what is happening and make adjustments themselves.
Start with the Mission.  This is the statement that defines what the Dealership aspires to be and deliver at the 100,000 foot level.
“We will deliver the most profit in our particular class and product set while also achieving the highest Customer Satisfaction Score in that class.  We will do this in both sales and service.”
This has to be adjusted to fit the store’s specific areas and true mission objectives.
The Targets are the specific measures that will achieve the Mission:

·        Average Unit Sale Price will exceed $xxx (this is clearly specific to the blends and prices of units at the store)
·        Net F&I Profit will contribute 50% of the store’s Net F&I Profit
·        Net F&I Profit will exceed 5% of F&I on Unit Sales
·        F&I Profit on Amount Financed will exceed 8.5% of Amount Financed
·        50% of Units Sold will be financed
·        CSI will be greater than 95

Of course, the Targets must align with the actual Mission.
Once the Targets have been defined, the enforceable Processes must also be specified.

·        95% of Units are sold at MSRP or better if new, or 95% or more of NADA Suggested Retail
·        100% of Customers meet with the Business/Finance Manager and presented with an initial offer of 100% Reserve (if relevant) and will always be presented with a complete package of potential Protective Products
·        Sales, marketing, and advertising will be structured to ensure that EVERY customer knows about financing opportunities
·        Every customer receives a CSI questionnaire and a follow-up if not answered

As before, the Processes must align with the Targets.
The key element here is that it the responsibility of Senior Leadership to define, monitor, enforce, modify (as needed), the Mission, Targets, and Processes.  These are not “group negotiable”, they are “group deliverable”.  These define the store and what it wants to be.
Once these are set, training and tracking needs to be put in place for delivering on the Processes that will achieve the Targets and achieve the Mission.  That training can be defined and delivered at many levels, and can be in many areas, and can be modified quickly as weaknesses or best practices are identified.  Training is discussable at all levels. 
Mission, Targets, and Processes are not group discussions, except among Senior Leadership.  The team needs to know that the purpose and function of being on the team is to deliver and not debate on Mission, Targets, and Processes.
Need help with setting out, or figuring out the Mission, Targets, and Processes – or how to deliver the message?
We can help you do that – either through training or by taking it over for you (which will be cheaper than in house!)
Contact us today at  We will help!
About Dealer Profit Services

As a premier F&I Services Provider, Trainer, Consultant, and Comprehensive Compliance Program supplier, Dealer Profit Services, a member of the Brunswick family, is about improving a dealer’s F&I profit and then providing the tools to ensure that profit is protected.  As a Service Provider, Dealer Profit Services provides complete F&I services and delivers industry-leading F&I Profit Results.  As Trainers and Consultants, we help dealers improve their in-house F&I departments.  Through the Comprehensive Compliance Program, Dealer Profit Services provides an online, on-demand, Compliance Program with documents, training, and tools to make F&I Compliance a process that helps protect the dealer against potential risks from compliance issues.  Learn how to use Dealer Profit Services F&I Delivery Services – Click here.  Get your Comprehensive Compliance Program here - just click. Learn more by visiting, email, or call (470) 326-0966. 

Saturday, August 13, 2022

F&I Net Profit At The Store – Okay Or Awesome?

 Ditto For 2021

        By Myril Shaw, Chief Operating Officer, Dealer Profit Services

        Any Dealer settling for less than 5% F&I Profit on Unit Sales is doing themselves an expensive             disservice. 

        Achieving this level of profit is actually not difficult.  It does require commitment, discipline,                 consistency, and enforcement.

        The starting point for consistently achieving 5%+ F&I Profit on Unit Sales is to make the two                 guiding principles of F&I success a part of the store culture.  These principles are:

        1)     The Hypocratic Oath of F&I – First, do no harm.  Nvere cost a sales in the interest of                 profit,,,make sure that the unit leaves the store;

        2)     Aggressive and graceful in retreat – You never make more than what you ask for the first             time.  The training and the culture MUST ensure that the initial offer to the customers                 maximizes Reserve and Protective Product Profit.  That said, there has to be a plan and             consistent process to walk back this initial offer when necessary without making the                     customer feel as though they were being taken advantage of.

        Once the two guiding principles are entrenched, the path to 5%+ F&I Profit is straightforward                 when the rules and techniques are taught and enforced.  The rules are:


       1)     Advertise financing very early, very consistently, very loudly, and very often.  “Competitive         financing available.”

        2)     100% of the customers get to the Business Manager/Finance Manager 100% of the time –         no exceptions.  The Business Manager/Finance Manager should be introduced to the                     customer at the start of the shopping process – not at the end.  Even if a customer says,             “I’m paying cash”, they still meet the Business/Finance Manager to “ensure a delightful             delivery process.”

        3)     Every Cash Buyer is offered the opportunity and a reason to convert to Finance                           immediately after selecting their unit.  “If you are paying cash, you must have great credit.          Wouldn’t you at least like to see what your options are and maybe save that cash for more             fun in your lifestyle?”

        4)     For Finance Customers, the customer is introduced to the process within 5 minutes of completing their Credit Application.

5)     All Finance Customers are offered a complete Protective Product package 100% of the time.

6)     Finance Customers are presented with payment and term and NEVER price or interest rate unless/until they specifically ask.

With these six steps, cash buyers should be averaging 2% - 3% F&I profit on the purchase price.  Finance customers should be averaging 9%+ F&I Profit  on the amount financed.  Together, these will yield well above 5% F&I Profit on Unit Sales.

It’s not hard – it just takes discipline.  Start today.

If you have questions about the process/training or if you just want help in seeing these results, we can help.

Contact us today at  We will help!

About Dealer Profit Services

As a premier F&I Services Provider, Trainer, Consultant, and Comprehensive Compliance Program supplier, Dealer Profit Services, a member of the Brunswick family, is about improving a dealer’s F&I profit and then providing the tools to ensure that profit is protected.  As a Service Provider, Dealer Profit Services provides complete F&I services and delivers industry-leading F&I Profit Results.  As Trainers and Consultants, we help dealers improve their in-house F&I departments.  Through the Comprehensive Compliance Program, Dealer Profit Services provides an online, on-demand, Compliance Program with documents, training, and tools to make F&I Compliance a process that helps protect the dealer against potential risks from compliance issues.  Learn how to use Dealer Profit Services F&I Delivery Services – Click here.  Get your Comprehensive Compliance Program here - just click. Learn more by visiting, email, or call (470) 326-0966. 

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Why Dealers Should Care About The National Marine Lenders Association



By Myril Shaw, Chief Operating Officer, Dealer Profit Services

 It is highly likely that most dealers will never interact directly with the National Marine Lenders Association (NMLA), except, perhaps, to occasionally attend an NMLA Workshop.  Given this lack of direct connection or contact, why should dealers care about the NMLA at all?

Just as participation in 20 Groups, the MRAA, and/or the Top 100 program makes for better dealers, participation in the NMLA makes for better lenders – and dealers really need to care about that.

The NMLA spends a lot of time and energy making sure that lenders are completely up to date on the latest trends and issues in the marine industry.  That makes lenders more attentive and responsive when it comes to dealer needs and requirements.

The NMLA spends a lot of time and energy ensuring that dealers are fully educated and ready for all of the current underwriting, collateral valuation, lien perfection, and other issues that affect dealers daily.

These efforts make lenders much better partners for dealers and much more able to communicate both best practices and paths to the greatest success.  Dealers should and need to care about that.

Through the NMLA Lenders come to understand all the current industry standards regarding both floor plan and consumer financing.  That keeps them competitive and in-market.  Through this, they deliver better results for dealers.

Dealers win by ensuring that they are working with NMLA affiliated lenders.

What the NMLA does for dealers is provide educated, competitive, and interested lenders.

Following is the first part of the NMLA Value Proposition:

The National Marine Lenders Association offers significant value to all marine lenders desiring to be better informed about legislation that could impact the marine finance industry, have the latest statistics on marine loan portfolio demographics and performance, and access to the most experienced professionals in the marine finance industry. The association is committed to public advocacy to support and protect marine lending, track national trends in marine lending through its quarterly surveys and annual member reports, provide education specific to marine lending through both its annual lenders’ workshop and annual conference, and distribute timely communication about its industry via the website, newsletter and member alerts. The NMLA's latest initiative, the Future Marine Industry Professionals program, will mentor industry members who wish to become involved in the association and help guide the marine lending community into the next decade and beyond.”

Dealers need to care about working with the NMLA Lenders, because, ultimately, the NMLA cares about the dealers through their work with dealers.

Even though dealers and the NMLA may never engage directly, dealers benefit from NMLA engaged lenders…it is an in-direct marriage made in heaven.

If you have questions about the NMLA, and we are a member, we can help.

Contact us today at  We will help!

About Dealer Profit Services

As a premier F&I Services Provider, Trainer, Consultant, and Comprehensive Compliance Program supplier, Dealer Profit Services, a member of the Brunswick family, is about improving a dealer’s F&I profit and then providing the tools to ensure that profit is protected.  As a Service Provider, Dealer Profit Services provides complete F&I services and delivers industry-leading F&I Profit Results.  As Trainers and Consultants, we help dealers improve their in-house F&I departments.  Through the Comprehensive Compliance Program, Dealer Profit Services provides an online, on-demand, Compliance Program with documents, training, and tools to make F&I Compliance a process that helps protect the dealer against potential risks from compliance issues.  Learn how to use Dealer Profit Services F&I Delivery Services – Click here.  Get your Comprehensive Compliance Program here - just click. Learn more by visiting, email, or call (470) 326-0966.